Top 20 Sites for FREE 3D Printing STL Files in 2024

Top 20 Sites for FREE 3D Printing STL Files in 2024

We've rounded up 20 of our favorite websites where you can download free 3D printing STL files to print on your own 3D printers.

While some of these listed below also offer STL files to purchase from the designers who created them, there are thousands of free files available all over the internet from the amazing open-source community.

Check out these sites below to find some new fun projects to 3D print on your own machines.

Popular Sites for FREE STL and 3D Printing Files


Thingiverse is the world’s largest online 3D printing community of makers, educators, professionals, hobbyists and designers from around the world, who have a passion for making, and sharing 3D printable digital designs.

UltiMaker Thingiverse is the largest database for 3D print designs in the world–with over 2.5 million 3D printable designs uploaded by the open-source community and and estimated 20 million visitors a month.


Printables offers almost 500K STL files that can be 3D printed in just about any 3D printer you may have. The website launched in 2019 and has rapidly grown into a fantastic online repository for STL files. The site also holds design contests and hosns official brand accounts from Paramount Pictures, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, World of Warships, and many more.

Since around December 2023, Printable's users have also been able to sell their designs and own models through the site.


Thangs has more than 15 million 3D printing files for you to browse through and you and with just a simple click of the mouse, any object can be rendered in a chosen position.

You also have the option to invite your friends, classmates and other creatives to work together on projects.


Based out of France, Cults is a favorite for 3D printer enthusiasts to find 3D printer files and share their own with the open-source community. Boasting over 1,500,000-plus 3D printer models uploaded to their site, at least 500,000+ models are free to download.

Cults also offers some pretty cool collections from popular big-name brands such as, "IKEA hacks, toys, video games, memes and more). Their website also holds design contests now and again for their users.


Pinshape offers a great selection of free STL files to download from more than 61,800 designs. This is a great resource for those of you who are searching for free STL files for toys and games, miniatures, jewelry, fashion, miniatures, art and much more.

There is a section on the website specifically focused on education as well.

My Mini Factory

MyMiniFactory is a fantastic 3D printing and design community for over 154,000 3D printer files. If you are searching for 3D printable files for gaming, tabletop role-playing, anime, and fan art - this is the site for you!

Free 3D

Free3D is a great website to find royalty-free 3D models you can use for game design and animation. They offer a small collection (a little over 7000) of 3D printable STL files that are labeled as free.

CG Trader

CGTrader is a website where users and visitors can buy and sell 3D designs and textures for gaming, AR/VR, advertising, animation, movies, and 3D printing.

Of the impressive 1.8 million 3D models available on the CGTrader webite, only a little over 18,000 models are marked as 3D printable. Many of these files are free and available for download after you sign up and created an account with the website.


Turbosquid is actually one of the oldest running websites offering free STL files for 3D printing. This site offers nearly 6 million free and premium 3D models to choose from. While it is mostly focused on digital content creation more than 3D printing, they still offer a nice collection of free 3D printable models.

Make sure you click on the STL checkbox to show their 3,400+ free 3D printable designs that you can download from their website.


Yeggi is a search engine that finds popular 3D printing websites. It has collected over 5.5 million 3D printer STL files.

There’s is also a great section dedicated to finding the newest free 3D printer files.

STL Finder

STLFinder is exactly what it says it is! This is another search engine for finding a multitude of 3D printer files. You can plug in a search and it will crawl the internets far and wide for you, bringing up various results for free STL files and 3D printer models.


Ameede is a fun little quirky site that seems to have the blues...however, they host over 30,000 models and over 19,000 are tagged as 3D printable for those who are interested in trying them out.

All models seem to be free to download, but you will need to register with the website before you will be able to save them.

Top Educational Websites for Free STL Files


NASA has a wonderful page full of 3D Models and STL treasures for those of you who are interested in 3D printing objects from our history in space!

While NASA's site doesn't offer the most STL files available out there, you can however, find models to 3D print your own Apollo 11 landing site, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Curiosity Rover, models of spacesuits and rockets, asteroids and even the "Made in Space" space wrench!


Tinkercad is one of the best educational focused websites out there, with free STL files created from it's users, fantastic resources for teachers and students, design challenges and lesson plans.

Tinkercad is a free web app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. This is the ideal introduction to Autodesk, a global leader in design and make technology.

NIH 3D Print Exchange

The NIH (National Institute of Health)United States government agency for biomedical and public health research has collected and offers free scientifically accurate or medically applicable STL files to 3D print.

The STL file collections include a variety of human organs and body parts to 3D print for research. They also include 3D printable medical equipment like face shields and low-cost prosthetics.

You can also 3D print models of DNA and viruses if you are interested in seeing these fascinating complex microscopic objects.

The e-NABLE Community

If you are looking for a fun project to do for yourself or with students of all ages, you may want to check out the e-NABLE Community, a group of thousands of volunteers from all over the world who are creating free 3D printed hands and arms for those in need.

There are multiple open-source 3D printable files to make a variety of sizes and designs for functional hand devices that you can print out for fun or donate to the community to provide a hand for someone who could use it.

This is an incredible service learning project for students of all ages where they get to solve real world problems with 3D printing technology.

Join thousands of schools and volunteers in making a difference with 3D printing!


The Smithsonian Institute is the largest museum, education, and research organization in the world. It hosts more than 142 million exhibits with more than 9,500 of them having been 3D scanned and made available to the public. Over 3,000 of these are now 3D printable!

African Fossils

African Fossils is a website focused on educating people on prehistoric topics using 3D printing. More than 180 high-quality fossils have been 3D scanned to share with the public. The files are often used by scientists, students and those who are just plain interested in learning more about fossils.

This website categorizes the scans into categories like hominids, animals, and tools and also allows their users to filter searches by fossil age. If you or your students would like to 3D print accurate human skulls through the ages this is the place for you!


Toymakr3D is a website by an Indonesian company selling toy models you can 3D print. Many of the models are free to download and print. The 3D printed designs are very detailed and wonderfully articulated, so your robots and creatures can move around easily and hold a variety of cool poses which makes them fantastic for creating stop-motion animations.

Customize and create. your own accessories for your bots and beasts or use the files as a starting point to create your very own unique creation!


Instructables is an incredible open-source community website where users can share their projects of all types. Many of these projects include things created with 3D printers. Instructables is a pro at offering the tutorials and instructions on how to build each design and project as well as offering the 3D printer files to download.

Many of the designers are very active on the website and are fantastic about answering your questions if you should find yourself wondering about anything related to their project that they shared.

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