MY YARD Transparent PET 19.75 x 12 inch

Transparent PET 19,75 x 12 inch sheet material for your MY YARD FORMART machine. The PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) was made from 80% recycled PET bottles, it has high transparency and impact resistance, especially suitable for chocolate molds or other applications requiring high transparency and high impact strength

NOTE: 3D Universe is authorized to sell this product in the United States of America, only.


Availability: In-Stock Now

Transparent PET 19,75 x 12 inch sheet material for your MY YARD FORMART machine. The PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) was made from 80% recycled PET bottles, it has high transparency and impact resistance, especially suitable for chocolate molds or other applications requiring high transparency and high impact strength

MY YARD Transparent PET 19,75 x 12 inch

The PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) was made from 80% recycled PET bottles, it has high transparency and impact resistance, especially suitable for chocolate molds or other applications requiring high transparency and high impact strength.


  • Food grade release agent for surface coating.
  • After heating up to the target temperature, please make sure to pull down the frame for forming within 3 seconds to avoid whitening of the plastic sheet due to over baking.


  • Pre-heating: 284 ˚F
  • Best forming temperature: 248 ~ 266 ˚F
  • Application temperature: -40~158˚F


  • Chocolate molds
  • Packaging
  • Bubble shells
  • Toy shells
  • Trays
  • Food packaging
  • Low-temperature food containers
  • Creative light shells
  • Three-dimensional board games
  • Much More!

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