A printer with some STL jobs (sliced in the Build Plate) and GCode jobs in queue to be printed!
There is no concept of a "queue" in traditional printing. In theory, you could add up multiple objects on an SD card or USB drive, but they're not sorted by priority, there's no concept of "Editing" a job or requesting revisions by the person that submitted it.
If your printer wasn't connected to the cloud, you'd have to make note of which print you want to start next, and then after that, and then after that.
Selecting a printer, and then clicking "PRINT" on the build plate sends that print to that printer's queue.
Jobs are added to the printer's queue in two different formats:
Jobs will stack up naturally in your printer's queue, as:
In the Job Options Menu (â ‡) you will see Change Printer as an option. This will bring up a dialog, asking you to choose a new printer to send the job to.
If you send the print to the same type of printer, the job will move over normally. If you are switching printer makes/models (i.e. switching from a Dremel to an Ultimaker), the cloud will ask you to re-slice the job by updating the printer configuration.
If you have a queue full of single-object jobs, you can consolidate them onto fewer plates to save time. Fewer "prints" means less preheat and cooldown time, less idle time, fewer times you need to clear the print bed, etc. Make sure you're confident your printer is leveled and can successfully complete the job! Stick around for the first few layers if you're unsure.
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