Navigating the Printer Dashboard

Printer Dashboard

  1. Printer Selector: If you have multiple printers, select the one you'd like to work with from the dropdown.
  2. Serial Number and Printer Status
  3. Printer Webcam Feed
  4. Canvas Premium Slicer: Advanced slicer with added features and rich GCode Preview. Subscribers only 🔒.
  5. GCode Job Upload: Slice in your own slicer and upload a .gcode, .g3drem, .gx, .g, or .upf to the queue.
  6. Build Plate: The Polar Cloud's web-based slicer. Upload an object and add it to the queue for printing!
  7. Manage Printer: (See below)

Printer Dashboard (cont.)

  1. START button: Starts the print in Queue position 1. If a print is running, Stop/Pause options will be available to you.
  2. Temperature dials: Will show you the nozzle, bed, and chamber temps provided by your printer. Click one of the dials to pre-heat the printer to your desired temp.
  3. Filament Usage: Shows the amount of filament (in meters) consumed by the print.
  4. Printer Queue: All of the jobs in line (queue) to be printed.

Manage Printer Page

  1. Queue
  2. Printer History: Subscribers Only 🔒. Shows details of every print job in the past. If you have a webcam and your printer enables it, you will see print screenshots and timelapses here as well. Requeue jobs or download files from past prints.
  3. Members: Those with access to the printer. This page will show the owner, all managers, and all users.
  4. Groups: Groups that the printer has been shared with.
  5. Usage: Every job that the printer has been sent. Shows cancelled, completed, queued, and started. Sort or filter between dates, and export to .CSV.
  6. Settings: Change the name of your printer here, check registration date and basic info.
  7. Back to Dashboard

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