3D Universe Terrafilum Professional Series Tough PLA+ Filament (2.85mm, 750g spools)

Tough like ABS, easy to print like PLA

Download ready-to-use material profiles for Cura:

These profiles are configured with the recommended settings for this material, but each brand of 3D printer is a little different, so adjustments might be needed. These profiles serve as a good starting point in most situations.

Note: All 3kg and recycled spools have a shipping lead-time of 7-10 business days.

Made in the USA
Spool recycling service is available


Availability: In-Stock Now

3D Universe Terrafilum Professional Series Tough PLA+ Filament is an industrial grade bio-plastic - industrial grade with excellent detail and precision performance; professional series PLA for higher impact and heat-resistance. Ideal when parts need to be precise and functional.

Get the Quality Filament You Need

Nothing will impact your 3D printing results like the kind of filament you use. Good filament is highly consistent in diameter, is wound evenly onto the spool with just the right amount of tension, and will not tangle when being unwound. 3D Universe offers a wide range of high-quality filaments to choose from. Check out our filament collection...

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