UltiMaker Breakaway Filament 2.85mm (750g)

Easy-to-use breakaway support material

UltiMaker Breakaway Filament 2.85mm (750g)

Easy-to-use breakaway support material

NOTE: This material is designed for use with Ultimaker 3D printers with dual extrusion capabilities.
Use an AA print core when using this material, not a BB print core.


SKU: UM 200551

Availability: In-Stock Now

UltiMaker Breakaway is a support material for multi-extrusion 3D printing. Breakaway support is quick to remove and does not need further post-processing for a smooth finish on your 3D print.

Ultimaker Breakaway Material

Ultimaker Breakaway is a support material for multi-extrusion 3D printing. Breakaway support is quick to remove and does not need further post-processing for a smooth finish on your 3D print. Designed for a hassle-free 3D printing experience, Breakaway provides good adhesion to ABS, PLA, Tough PLA, PETG, Nylon, CPE, or CPE+.

Important Note: Ultimaker Breakaway Material should be printed only using a Print Core AA 0.4mm. Other sizes of the Print Core AA are not supported with Ultimaker Breakaway, and the Print Core BB is only for PVA water-soluble support material.

To learn more and see this material in action, check out the recording of Ultimaker's Support Material Strategies webinar.

Reasons to choose Ultimaker Breakaway Material:

    • No sanding or waiting for your support material to dissolve. Simply print and break it away
    • Ensures a smooth surface finish on your model
    • Great results when combined with ABS, PLA, Nylon, CPE, or CPE+
    • Long shelf life and less moisture sensitivity compared to water-soluble support material, such as PVA
    • Ideal for use with build materials that are sensitive to water

Removing Breakaway Material

Step 1: Tear
Remove the majority of the inner support structure with a cutting plier.

Step 2: Peel
Grab and peel the Breakaway support from the build material.

Step 3: Pull
Remove the last traces with pliers or a tweezer.

Example 3D prints using Breakaway

Design freedom with more materials
Breakaway is compatible with ABS, PLA, Nylon, CPE, and CPE+, so it's ideal for prototyping in the material you want.


NOTE: 3D Universe is authorized to sell this product in the United States of America only.

Time and cost-effective

Quicker to remove and more affordable than other support materials, Breakaway is also easy to store, so it stays usable for longer.


Leaves behind a smooth finish

Breakaway material has been developed to give reliable adhesion to your build material but peel away for a smooth finish.

Get the Quality Filament You Need

Nothing will impact your 3D printing results like the kind of filament you use. Good filament is highly consistent in diameter, is wound evenly onto the spool with just the right amount of tension, and will not tangle when being unwound. 3D Universe offers a wide range of high-quality filaments to choose from. Check out our filament collection...

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