Intro to 3D Printing Course

Learn from the experts about 3D printing and 3D design, no experience needed!

Intro to 3D Printing Course

Learn from the experts about 3D printing and 3D design, no experience needed!

Are you new to 3D printing? Then this course is for you! In this high-quality instructor-led video training, you'll learn about 3D printing terminology, the software and hardware involved in the 3D printing workflow, and more.



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About the Instructor of this Course
Nick has earned the respect of his colleagues through hard work, dedication and vision through his 15+ years in the high-tech industry. Graduating from UC Santa Barbara with an English Major, he was hired into Sun Microsystems during the dotcom boom, and has held a number of technical roles at Sun, and more recently, at Oracle translating complex technical architectures into understandable ideas. Nick's skills go deep into both the technical understanding of the industry and the mechanics of 3D printing, and how this industry has the capability to inspire the world for the better. Nick co-founded "HoneyPoint3D" in 2013 with his wife, Liza. HoneyPoint3D offers classes for all skill and age levels, rapid prototyping, 3D Modeling, Scanning and Printing Services. Considered a 3D Printing retail expert, Nick has been interviewed on CNN, RT Television, San Francisco Business Times, KGO, most of the Bay Area newspapers and many more.

Nick is one of the co-authors of the #1 best selling 3D printing book on Amazon, entitled "Getting Started with 3D Printing" published in 2016 by MAKE Media.

The videos in this course go into:

  • The basic terminology of 3D printing
  • Descriptions of the major types of 3D printers, and their prices
  • A comparison of costs to run each printer, and when it might be better to outsource your printing to an online service bureau
  • A discussion on the health effects of 3D printing in your home
  • Dedicated videos on the top software you can use to easily create 3D models
  • A dedicated video on photogrammetry: Use just your cell phone to make a 3D model!

The covers the entire workflow, from a pencil and paper design drawing to a 3D model, then to the slicing software, and finally to a 3D print. This course will help you be literate about 3D printing so you can talk to your friends or children, and it gives you ideas on how you can use 3D printing in your own life.

Also, it is important to note, that the instructors in this course really care about helping you, their students...ask questions and HoneyPoint3D will help you! They sincerely want you to be very satisfied with this course!

Get the Quality Filament You Need

Nothing will impact your 3D printing results like the kind of filament you use. Good filament is highly consistent in diameter, is wound evenly onto the spool with just the right amount of tension, and will not tangle when being unwound. 3D Universe offers a wide range of high-quality filaments to choose from. Check out our filament collection...

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