Thought3D Drywise Filament Dryer

Save money, time, and effort by drying your filament as you print.

Thought3D Drywise Filament Dryer

Save money, time, and effort by drying your filament as you print.

The Thought3D Drywise Filament Dryer is more than just a filament dryer is an intelligent solution designed for hassle-free 3D printing. Engineered to dry filament on demand, the Drywise dryer ensures that your 3D printing filament is in optimal condition for use. Positioned conveniently beside your printer, it offers a seamless experience by guiding you through the drying process. This 3D filament dryer is essential for worry-free printing, keeping your filament dry and ready for use whenever you need it.


The pre-heater add-on is required for achieving optimal results with glass- and carbon fiber reinforced materials.

NOTE: 3D Universe is authorized to sell this product in the United States of America, only.

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The Thought3D Drywise is an on-demand inline filament dryer that lets you focus on production. Save money, time, and effort by drying your filament as you print. Features include: Intelligent sensors for optimal drying, rechargeable desiccant cartridges, user-friendly interface, and comes in 1.75mm and 2.85mm versions.


About Drywise

Drywise serves to create higher-quality industrial 3D prints through the pre-treatment of printing filaments. Drywise was made for users of industrial desktop 3D printers who need on-demand, repeatable and reliable filament drying.

Watch the video below to see the Drywise in action!

How Does the Drywise Filament Dryer Work?

The Thought3D Drywise Filament Dryer is a next-generation 3D filament dryer that seamlessly integrates with your 3D printer. Place your filament on the printer, in the Drywise spool holder, or elsewhere with a clear path to the dryer. The unit efficiently dries filament through a hot air circulation system. With an input port and an output port equipped with a filament sensor, Drywise ensures a continuous, optimally dried filament supply. The sensor also halts operation when printing is done or if filament movement stops. For notably wet filament, a pre-dry phase of 30 minutes to an hour is recommended for optimal results. This step can be skipped if the filament is already

Simply start your print, and let the Drywise Filament Dryer handle the rest. Currently calibrated for most 2.85mm Nylon materials, Drywise is always evolving. Regular firmware upgrades expand its compatibility with new materials.

Check Out These Videos to Learn More

In this video, 3D Universe CEO, Jeremy Simon, gives an overview of the Drywise inline filament dryer, including sample prints that clearly show the difference with and without the Drywise:


And for another perspective, check out the video below from 3D Maker Noob:

Key Features

The Drywise Filament Dryer's in-line design efficiently dries only the filament section being 3D printed, streamlining your projects.

Equipped with smart sensors, it dries filament optimally for 3D printing, avoiding overheating and overdrying.

User Friendly 
Featuring an intuitive UI and exchangeable, the filament dryer uses rechargeable desiccant cartridges to minimize downtime.

The Drywise filament dryer’s smart sensors detect inactivity and turn off heaters for enhanced safety.

Continuously expanding list of certified filaments with calibrated settings for diverse printing needs.

The Benefits

Benefits of the Drywise Filament Dryer

As an in-line system, the Drywise dries only the filament portion in use, unlike traditional methods that dry the entire spool. This approach is not only faster, preventing the 48-hour drying time of conventional methods, but also safer for the filament and the spool. Pre-calibrated for various material types, the Drywise filament dryer eliminates the guesswork of traditional drying methods.

Why is Filament Drying Important?

1. Hygroscopic FDM filaments tend to absorb significant amounts of moisture from the environment over a few days. Some materials cannot be printed out of the box due to high moisture levels already present in the material.

2. The presence of moisture in filaments can cause visible artifacts during printing, including: poor surface finish, stringing, and oozing.

3. Moisture in filaments can potentially cause print failure and potentially affect the mechanical properties of the printed part.

4. As a result moisture sensitive materials need to be dried before printing, however without special storage or pre-treatment the print quality can still degrade noticeably, especially during a longer print.

Compatible Materials

Compatible Materials List

Visit the compatible materials spreadsheet to see the ever-growing selection of materials that are compatible with the Drywise In-Line Filament Dryer.

TPU Now Supported on Drywise

TPU profiles for Drywise filament dryers are now readily available, making it easier than ever to achieve optimal results when printing with TPU materials. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to 3D printing, these profiles will help streamline your printing process and ensure consistent quality prints.

TPU is used in
• Automotive applications
• Seals and Gaskets
• Valves
• Aerospace applications
• Medical Applications

Drywise Compatible:
TPU 98A, TPU 64D, TPU 95A

Helpful Resources and Instructional Videos

Dryer Positioning

In this video, the optimal dryer positioning for the Drywise is explained and demonstrated.

Operating Procedure

A step-by-step guide to the operational procedure for the Drywise filament dryer.

O-Rings Replacement

Step-by-step guide showing O-ring replacement for your Drywise.

Desiccant Replacement And Drying

Comprehensive guide to replacing and drying the desiccant container of your Drywise.

Drywise Filament Dryer Unboxing

Unboxing your Drywise - Step-by-step guide.

Desiccant Replacement And Drying

Streamlined setup guide for your Drywise, enabling you to achieve flawless prints in no time.

Long Prints Have Never Been More Consistent

Equipped for Future Use

The Drywise filament dryer, is compatible with a variety of materials. The list of tested and approved materials is always growing.

The Pre-Heater (sold separately) expands the material processing capabilities of the Drywise
dryer. Carbon fiber, glass fiber reinforced nylons and some other specific materials e.g PAHT require this add-on to work.


Drywise In-Line Filament Dryer

Physical Dimensions

Dryer with Desiccant Container:
590x500x145 mm - 10.5kg

Dryer with Packaging: 690x620x240 mm - 13.5kg


Technology Fused filament fabrication (FFF) filament pre-processing

• 4.3” capacitive touch panel
• Guiding LED lights

Filament Path:
Guided input and output filament port

Filament Diameter:
1.75mm & 2.85mm


Compatible Materials:
Nylons and More

Operating Sound:

USB port

Up to 24 months. T&C apply


Drywise In-Line Filament Dryer


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Get the Quality Filament You Need

Nothing will impact your 3D printing results like the kind of filament you use. Good filament is highly consistent in diameter, is wound evenly onto the spool with just the right amount of tension, and will not tangle when being unwound. 3D Universe offers a wide range of high-quality filaments to choose from. Check out our filament collection...

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