BitSpace Make It - Race It!

Hands On Learning Project

BitSpace Make It - Race It!

Hands On Learning Project

Feats of strength, speed, and beauty abound in this Make It, Race It course. Students have the opportunity to design, build and test their very own racing vehicle in this hands-on learning project that introduces students to design thinking, and woodshop tools and techniques..


SKU: BitSpace-Makeitraceit

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Availability: In-Stock Now

Feats of strength, speed, and beauty abound in this Make It, Race It course. Students have the opportunity to design, build and test their very own racing vehicle in this hands-on learning project that introduces students to design thinking, and woodshop tools and techniques.

Make it, Race it!

Students will learn to design, build and test their very own racing vehicle in this hands-on learning project that introduces design thinking, woodshop tools & techniques, and a launching point for making.

What you'll get:

• 1 Teacher Kit (Additional Student Kits sold separately)
• 6, 8, or 10 - Week Lesson Plans

• Best Practices for Tool Safety and Usage
• Downloadable Activities to Foster Design Thinking
• Three (3) ISBE state-approved professional development hours (PDH's) will be provided by IDEA

What's in the Teacher Kit?

Drill Table
• Lumber Mitred (1" mitre on corners) x 2 (2 x 4 x 12")
• MDF Top x 2 (5.5 x 10.75 x 0.5")
• MDF Base Mitred (1" mitre on corners) x 2 (9.25 x 11.50 x 0.5")

• Lumber x 1 (2x2x12")
• Dowels x 1 (0.25" x 12")
• Dowels x 1 (0.5"x12")
• Wheels x 4 (1.5" x 0.5" slab)

Other Materials:
• Wood Screw x 14 (1.58" #8)

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